Tools to help users make informed decisions on terrain navigation


Concept Ideation
User Research
Interaction Design
User Testing


UI/UX Designer

Project Type

UX and UI Design

Visual Environment for Remote Virtual Exploration (VERVE)

VERVE is a 3D visualization software created in-house by NASA for visualizing, monitoring, and commanding robots in remote environments. My role as a designer on this project is to ideate and design new software features to optimize the current user interface and enhance overall user experience.

Open Mission Control Technologies (Open MCT)

Open MCT is a data visualization software developed in-house by NASA to support the development of lunar rover mission concepts. My role as a designer on this project is to ideate and design new features for the software with the goal of enhancing overall user experience and software capability.

Open MCT User's Guide

Crafted together a User's Guide to help Open MCT users navigate, use, and troubleshoot the software

Let’s create a memorable experience

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