Designing Additional MVPs to Expand Our Product Suite


Discovery Research
Information Architecture
User Journey Mapping
Facilitating User Feedback Sessions


Product Designer


1 month

Scope 3 Category 1 Platform

Scope 3 Category 1 refers to the greenhouse gas emissions produced from the manufacturing and delivery of goods and services that a company purchases from its suppliers. Companies struggle to calculate Scope 3 emissions due to the resource-intensive process involved in accurately collecting data to measure indirect environmental impact. This MVP offers a streamlined solution for companies to calculate their Scope 3 emissions effortlessly. By simply uploading their spend and supplier data, the product handles all the calculations for them using two different calculation methodologies.

Supplier Compliance Portal

Many companies struggle with supplier compliance due to low supplier engagement and response rates, making it difficult to collect essential data on quality, ethical standards, and sustainability practices. This MVP addresses this issue by serving as a tool to enhance supplier engagement through targeted surveys and real-time tracking of response rates, enabling companies to gather the necessary data more effectively and drive their sustainability initiatives forward.

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