David Yurman

Redesigning Product Cards to Increase Conversion Rates

Relevant Skills
Responsive Design
Visual Hierarchy
Grid Systems
The Problem

David Yurman is redesigning their website to enhance user experience as part of their rebranding. Their product cards need to be reimagined to function seamlessly across high-traffic pages like PLP and PDP, ensuring an engaging shopping experience that boosts customer satisfaction and conversion rates.

The Solution

To tackle this problem, I proposed a design solution using UI/UX patterns optimized to increase engagement and conversion rates, including improved visual hierarchy for product descriptions, social proofs, enhanced microinteractions for accessibility, and clear CTAs.


In response to a design challenge during my interview with David Yurman, I was tasked with redesigning their product cards as part of their website rebranding initiative. The objective was to enhance the user experience and boost conversion rates across high-traffic pages, including Product Detail Pages (PDPs) and Product Listing Pages (PLPs).

This case study outlines my design approach to the assignment and how I would validate the effectiveness of my proposed solution.


Uncovering Opportunities for Improvement

I kicked off this assignment by conducting a high-level heuristic evaluation of David Yurman's existing product cards, as well as those of key competitors. This exploration revealed opportunities for enhancing the visual hierarchy of product descriptions and clarifying CTAs, which are key areas that can help drive conversions by directing users toward specific actions and streamlining the purchasing process.


Crafting Personas to Inform Design Solutions

To help me hone in on a strategy towards a user-centered design solution, I created two personas based on secondary research of the brand. Defining key motivations and goals helped me prioritize my ideas and select the most effective solution given the business goal.


Exploring Ideas

Focusing on the key assumptions made about each persona, I sketched out several ideas to address their needs. Ultimately, I refined my approach to two potential solutions, each tailored to the specific goals and motivations of the respective personas.


Honing in on a Design Recommendation

I narrowed my ideas down to two options: "Quick View" versus "Add to Bag" CTAs. So why choose different CTAs based on the target persona?

Quick View CTA:
Add to Bag CTA:


So Which Option Did I End Up Proposing to the Hiring Team?

I ultimately chose the Quick View design recommendation because it presents more of an opportunity for brand storytelling. By allowing users to explore product details without leaving the current page, Quick View enhances the browsing experience by encouraging users to spend more time exploring the product, which will lead to increased user engagement. Ultimately, this would lead to higher conversion rates by providing an immersive shopping experience that resonates with luxury shoppers' desire to feel connected to the brand's identity


How Would I Measure Success?

Let’s create a memorable experience

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